Ready. Set. Run.

Welcome back to the blog! (Ok, I’m really welcoming myself back.) Its been well over a year since I’ve blogged. I’ve eaten healthy. I’ve cooked some new things. I’ve gotten lazy and made a lot of salads rather than cooking. I’ve found ways to eat healthy without cooking. And of course, I’ve made a ton of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.

Its time for the blog to come back. This time with a little less of a focus on cooking (because, lets be honest, I spent most of this blog baking and not cooking) and a little more focus on health in general. Because:

I’m running the Boston Marathon!

Yup. I’ve got lots of future posts to tell you about why I want to do it, how I’m planning to train, and how my training is going. I’m sure I’ll slip in a few posts with training tips, healthy eating tips, and some interesting things that I end up making myself.

Today I officially signed up. Tomorrow is 18 weeks until race day. Which means tomorrow officially starts my training. I’m running with Newton Wellesley Hospital’s charity team. (Which means in January I’ll start fundraising.)

So far I’ve done 4 unofficial runs. I did 4 miles on Monday. 3.5 miles Wednesday, 3 miles Thursday, and 6.5 on Saturday. I did some other cardio on some of those days and some cardio today for cross training.

Tomorrow I officially start my training plan with a 3 mile run. Wish me luck!


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